Nottinghamshire tag company helps track endangered crocodiles

Dalton Tags, an animal ID and tag producer out of Newark Nottinghamshire, regularly gets requests to make tags for cattle, sheep and goats.

Recently, the company received an unusual request from the Zoology Department out of the University of Oxford.

They wanted tags for crocodiles — and an extremely rare one at that.

The Gavialis gangeticus or Gharial, a species of crocodile on the critically endangered species list, resides in inland freshwaters and wetlands of Nepal and parts of India. The gharial is one of the largest species of crocodiles in the world, measuring up to 5-6 meters long. The species possesses a particularly unique long and slender snout with up to 110 razor-sharp teeth.

Unfortunately, the gharial was the first species of crocodilian to be labeled critically endangered with less than 182 known crocodiles left in 2006.

Currently, the biggest threat to the gharial is habitat loss due to people clearing wetland areas for firewood or farmland. People also take the crocodile’s eggs for medicinal purposes and kill male gharial for there snout as it is believed that part of it is an aphrodisiac. The gharial also face issues with fishing as they get caught in gil nets and die trying to get out. In 2007, the species faced another hardship as gout wiped out more than 110 crocodiles.

To help increase the species chance of survival, many conservation efforts have been in effect in recent years. A group called the Gharial Multi-Task Force, regional and international crocodilian specialists, are researching and trying to keep this species from going extinct. To help study endangered animals, conservationist need to collect data.

The Zoology Department at Oxford University wanted to tag the endangered crocodile species. The goal of tagging the crocodiles is to study and collect spatial and reproductive ecology data inform ongoing conservation efforts on the species, according to Phoebe Griffith, who is researching the Gavialis gangeticus. Griffith researches the species through Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, WildCRU and Zoological Society London’s Institute of Zoology. Griffith and the research teams work to conduct research on the population of the endangered species with a catch-and-release tagging method.

In Griffith’s research profile, she notes that she is working with the Zoological Society London to conduct a study on the ecology of gharial in the Rapti and Narayani rivers in Chitwan National Park, Nepal.

“In particular, we aim to conduct post-release monitoring of gharial that are captive-reared as part of the National Park’s ongoing conservation efforts for the species, and compare this to ecological data we are collecting on free-living gharial,” Griffith wrote. “Using telemetry, observational data, camera trapping and local ecological knowledge we aim to build a strong evidence base for future work in Nepal to conserve this Critically Endangered species.”

General Manager Diane D’bouk said that “Dalton tags are regarded as the best in the market and are extremely strong, and that’s why the University of Oxford chose our Flexo Tags for this purpose.“

“The tags are applied once a hole has been drilled into the tail scutes,” Diane said. “The scutes are extremely tough and almost impossible to penetrate hence the need for a hole to be drilled first!”

During the university’s research, the team tagged five of the gharial with plans to capture at least 15 more throughout the next week. Dalton Tags has been chosen for other conservation efforts, including tagging sharks, seals, Artic foxes and turtles.

Diane said “Dalton Tag’s Flexo tags were ordered with a sequential number format so every tag has a unique number. Now all of the crocodiles have their very own number and can be tracked and monitored”


A history of Livestock ID Tags

From the beginning of the domestication of livestock, humans have sought to mark what is theirs.  It makes sense: proving ownership, while it may seem somewhat archaic in modern times, was an important part of keeping track of any herd.  The human motivations to identify and trace livestock throughout history have really not drastically changed but the technology has. Animal identification has included branding, collars, tattooing and ear notching; all means to mark ownership, identify lineage, and trace and monitor disease.

The earliest documented event of animal identification purportedly dates to 1275 when the Brit, Thomas of Walsingham, related his investigation of a certain sheep disease that plagued British sheep for a quarter century. The disease vector was, at that time, pinpointed to a single sheep import from France.  While the circumstances surrounding use of identification is unclear, what is clear is that disease has always driven humans to monitor livestock in some fashion.

In 1799, Sir Joseph Banks created the first known modern ear tag, made of tin, as a means of identification for the Merino flock of sheep owned by King George III.  Since that time, modifications and improvements of the ear tag have followed the needs of farming industry. Cost, loss, efficiency, theft have been considered as new technologies have become available.  Shortly after WWII, steel and nickel were quickly replaced with plastic, a fairly new, lightweight, sanitary, weather resistant material for the times. Quickly, and often due to governmental oversight in countries that were requiring traceability, the ear tag was modified and perfected.  In 1953, the first self-piercing ear tags appeared on the market and provided an efficient and blood free way of identifying livestock, thus ensuring less transfer of disease. Across the globe, modern governmental eradication requirements for tuberculosis, brucellosis, scrapies and pseudorabies have mandated ear tagging with specific requirements for the tags.  BSE outbreaks in the UK, then in the USA, saw the expansion of Electronic Identification ear tags or EID. Further, RFID ear tags, allow for easy identification for all pertinent information of an individual animal as radio frequency transmits data right from the animal to computer-based software. They offer a unique and truly innovative approach to management whether that concerns feed rations based on a number of factors such as age, lactation, gestation, etc., as well as all important disease monitoring, pedigree notation, medical treatment records and individual performance data.  Modern ear tags also serve as insect repellent tools and more interestingly as means for actual tissue capture for laboratory testing, such as the Dalton BVD Tag & Test range.

All breed registries require permanent identification for recorded animals in order to maintain the integrity of parentage.  The advancement of animal genetic coding has driven producers to see the benefit of DNA testing which not only proves lineage but can be used in a smart and educated breeding program.  Today’s producers are able to strategically design breeding programs based on genetics in order to choose for production, body type, udder shape, casein content, birth weight and a whole host of other genetic factors.  And of course, the ear tag industry has modified its products to meet those needs. The Dalton Tissue Sampling ear tag was created with the breeder in mind. DNA collection is integrated into its design and allows for an efficient and cost-effective capture of genetic material for intelligent breeding decisions.  The future of ear tag innovation is only limited by the creativity of enterprises like Dalton Tags who understand the needs of its clients.


Easter Prize Draw in aid of Asthma UK

We are running an Easter Prize Draw in aid of Asthma UK. Two yummy prizes up for grabs and only £1 to enter. Call into our premises to enter!

BVD – Strategies for Eradication

BVD – Strategies for Eradication

As a producer, herd health may be the number one factor contributing to the bottom line in cattle farming operations.  Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD), a viral disease with a host of symptoms, has become a major factor determining the overall wellness of herds worldwide and specifically in the UK.  Infertility, pneumonia, still birth, weak or deformed calves, immunodepression, poor growth, and as the name implies, diarrhea are just some of the deleterious effects on an infected herd.

Voluntary efforts to eradicate BVD from cattle populations have recently proven to be a boon to producers as they seek to minimise the impact of the economic loss caused by the virus.  In Northern Ireland, for example, over a two year period as testing became mandatory in 2016, these efforts have seen a 25% decrease in BVD infections. While clinical signs of the disease may be highly variable, vectors of transmission, in utero and after birth, are widely accepted and successful attempts at eradication use a multi-pronged approach.  Enhanced biosecurity, targeted vaccinations, and elimination of persistently infected (PI) cattle are at this time the recognised strategy to combat BVD in cattle populations.

Generally speaking, it goes without saying that you can avoid BVD by not bringing it in.  This is where strict biosecurity measures come into play on the farm. Testing new purchases for BVD, isolation, and quarantine should always be a part of any farm protocol when disease is at issue.

Perhaps most importantly, localisation and culling of persistently infected individuals are at the top of the list for BVD control.  At this time, the polymerase chain reaction or PCR is the most sensitive diagnostic tool available for detecting BVD. Ongoing screening as well as pre-purchase and recent purchase screening to target PI cattle is of the utmost importance.  Though, producers should also consider PCR diagnostics to evaluate vaccinations protocols and in the case of regulatory and/or sale and export controls. PCR testing requires tissue sampling and the most cost effective and labor saving technique, in our opinion, is via cattle tagging using Dalton Tags BVD Tag & Test Tags.

Since all cattle require tags, it makes economic sense to combine BVD surveillance with mandatory tagging.  Our FLEXO tags save labor by their unique dual purpose design. Incorporated into their design is a vial for tissue sample collection which seals the sample with appropriate laser labeling for shipment to the lab.  With one applicator, the simple task of tagging becomes a means for improved herd health in terms of production, fertility and reproduction, growth rates, and reduced vet costs in light of the widespread pervasiveness of BVD infected cattle.  The FLEXO range of tags have also been regarded as the best quality tags on the market with a verified 99% retention rate. Fewer replacement tags, less labor and happier, healthier cows through BVD surveillance programs provide lower production costs, increased feed conversion and thus an increase in economic gain over the long term!


We are moving!

We are moving!

Due to a phenomenal increase in Livestock ID ear tag sales we have taken the strategic decision to move to new bigger and better premises.

Located just 2 minutes from the busy A1/A46 our new Headquarters boasts over 2,500 square feet of space, perfect for our very busy livestock ID ear tag production team and their state of the art laser marking machines.

We will also be able to store more livestock ID ear Tag stock resulting in an even better customer experience and a bigger range of Livestock ID ear tag products.

With half a dozen off street customer car parking spaces our new facility is perfect for collecting your livestock ID ear tags be that BVD Cattle ear tags, EID Cattle & Sheep ear tags, and sheep slaughter ear tags, not to mention our range of goat ear tags.

Our new premises is opposite Turnballs Builders Merchants and SMS Motorhomes.

New Address:





NG24 2EU

Our contact details remain the same, telephone 01636 700 990, email and our website